Run Wild

This is the tale of a girl. She is unschooled and a runner. Though running has become more than a hobby for her, more than a passion. For her, running is life.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Hill crazy!


Yes. I am one of the select few who actually looks forward to the weekly hill-work. Even though it was 80 with blasting sun, I still loved it.

I have a hill about a mile from my house that’s about 80 yards long. I went out for a 3-mile out-and-back jog then jogged a mile to the hill in 37:33.

And there I stood. At the bottom of the hill, staring up at its glory. I snatched up one of my nine counters (to make sure I did the right amount of repeats) and plunged in.

It’s a nice feeling to get out and do a workout like this. To feel your legs pounding, knees lifting and sprinting up on your toes as you take on the monster that is the workout hill.

After doing this 9 times, I walked home, still woozy from the adrenaline of the workout. And all I could think about right then was, “It’s done. I ran the dang thing 9 times!” But as my body cooled and my though processing abilities returned, I was already thinking of next week. Taking on the challenge again, pounding up that monster 10 times.

But that’s next time, and all I can do is wait for it.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

3 miles in the heat

On Sunday I’m going to do a 5K race with my friend. But since it’s only 3.1 miles and I’m doing 5-6 with my schedule, I instead did 3 miles today in place of my 1st rest day.

Today was hot, (80º or thereabouts) so I went out of my way to run in the shade. Thankfully I was only doing 3 today, because I really don’t like heat. Cold I can stand, but I just don’t at all like running in the heat.

As far as my knee pain, I haven’t felt anything in a long while. So I’m going to start doing speed work and such in June to get me prepared for Cross Country this fall.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Arlington Memorial Day race 10K

Today was the day of the 28th-annual Arlington Memorial Day race (5K, 5K walk and 10K).

Come race time, the sun was out, but the slight breeze helped considerably.

Between the races, I opted for the 10K and ran it in 1 hour flat. My slowest 10K so far, but quite a nice race with four great hills at the end.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Early Morning runnings v. 2.0

Another beutiful morning jog! 65º again, no humidity. Absolutely wonderful.

I remembered running this simmilar course in the middle of Cross Country. Everything smelled of Concord grapes!

Totals: 52:16 over perhaps a 5.2-mile course.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Early Morning runnings

Today was a morning run. They’re getting to be more of a necessity now that Summer is here and tempatures are soaring up to about 80º, probably more soon!

But nonetheless, it was nice. About 65º at the time, a bit too humid. But the scenery was gorgeos! Rivers and forests and barely any taffic.

It was infact so nice that I forgot to turn around at 25 minutes, but didn’t go too much further! Totals were 51:33 over about 5.1 miles.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Rest day

Today is a rest day (unfortunately, we all must have them to get stronger), so I’m going to share a story with you.

Running is an interesting sport. You exert a lot of time and energy into it, and when your done for the day, you’re back at point x.

“Why?” someone asks. “Why do you do it?” In their minds, they can’t conceive how could a person willingly (and happily) go out in torrential downpours to jog or run 5 miles.

But we do. We love it. There’s something about that accomplishment that makes us runners stand there after a run, soaked to the bone and covered in mud, just grinning. There’s something wonderful about doing something that very few people would actually enjoy doing.

And sometimes after a nice speed workout, your muscles tight and your body soaked with sweat, when you come up to your coach or training buddy and proclaim, “I runned gooder today!”

So what is the allure of a sport that involves grinding out miles every day (except for that obligatory rest day), sprinting in 100º heat and all the while making sure that you have enough cross-training to balance it off?

And to that I say, “Exactly that. There is nothing more thrilling than knowing that you were able to accomplish something that great. Even if your the weekend jogger or the ultra-marathoner, you’re out there. And there’s nothing more satisfying in the world than proclaiming, ‘I did it! I am a runner!’”

~Run on, friends

Thursday, May 25, 2006

75 and sunny

Yes. A gorgeous day. A tad breezy and not a cloud in the sky.

Today I continued my long easy distance training with a beautiful 5.4-miler through a town in beautiful New England with an easy 54:16 for the loop.

Though a also got to experience one of the coveted “running moments” where I zoned out, enjoying the day and listening to The White Stripes. I snapped out of this state to cross a road, realizing only then that I’d gone more than a mile.


Review and injury report:

Good. A tad warm for my liking, but better than 90! ;-3

I have some nagging knee pains that only seem to appear every once in a while during runs. Today, I felt nothing at all! Great!

“Running is life, and therefore should be enjoyed as such”

~Run on, friends.