Run Wild

This is the tale of a girl. She is unschooled and a runner. Though running has become more than a hobby for her, more than a passion. For her, running is life.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

You know you’re a runner when... (Part III)

...You’d rather dart across the road in front of a car instead of slow down your time by waiting for the car to pass on that 5.234-mile course you’ll never see again somewhere in Ontario.

...You would never DREAM of comparing your time from a 5.234-mile course with a 5.235-mile course.

...You wonder why people give you startled looks when they see you the middle of the 4 a tank top...

...You’re running so early to get your workout in that the local teenagers haven’t even gone to bed yet.

...As soon as you get your PR, your mind immediately goes to “If I could just take off five more seconds, I could...”

...You could frighten a hard-core biker with the stories of your injuries and extreme-condition runs.

...You’ve injured things that even your doctor didn’t even know existed.

...You proclaim to your friend after a cold winter run with blood, sweat, tears, snot and spit dripping down your body, “Isn’t running a beautiful thing!?”

...One of your most proud accomplishments is running in -4º weather and NOT dying.

...As you lie on the couch icing both knees and your ankle while eating enough spaghetti to fuel an elephant for a week and telling your friend on the phone about how you went running that morning through three feet of snow and nearly got lost the wind was whipping so hard, you shake your head wonder how there could people in the world who don’t like running.


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