Run Wild

This is the tale of a girl. She is unschooled and a runner. Though running has become more than a hobby for her, more than a passion. For her, running is life.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

The mind of a runner is a frightening thing

And that it is.

It would be a very histerical--and sometimes downright scarry--thing to travel into a runner's mind while he or she is doing what he or she does best.

Today I'm going to relate some of the randomness that I thought about on my 49:59 (I know... I should have just gone ONE MORE SECOND!!) run:

So the A's don't have Zito. But Embree's coming. That's gonna be sweet. Zito's pretty simmilar to Drew Bledsoe, neither are consistantly spectacular any more. Though Zito can get whatever he wants, and Bledsoe's a second-string QB. And Zito's pretty great a lot, Bledsoe can throw a good pass here and there. No, they're not the same.

Wow! I can't beleive that I've been running for 34 minutes! Seems strange. I guess I should think about the A's more often. They should perscribe that: "Run easier! Fill your thoughts with the Oakland A's! Act now!" It's really hot out now. Why is everyone dressed like it's ten below? Is it cool? Bobby Kielty and Nick Swisher are cool. Though if you're cool, it's a good thing. If you're cold, it's a bad thing. There really isn't that much of a difference between the word "cool" and the word "cold". Strange. Boston Legal is a funny show. But The Office is on tonight. That guy on there is hillarious! What's his name? I know it's not Michael, but I keep wanting to call him that. Ooh! 39 minutes! Better head back. I wonder if I'll have to rush? I think it's somewhere around seven minutes from the path, but was I going slower then? I guess I'll wing it. Do laps around the circle. Tracks suck and cirlces are like tracks. Circles suck.

Something even more fun than thinking about the A's while one runs (especially if you couldn't care less about them) is to in fact think about what you're thinking about. While you're thinking about that sentance, it'll confound you long enough to tick off a couple more minutes. ;-)

Happy yoggings!



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