Run Wild

This is the tale of a girl. She is unschooled and a runner. Though running has become more than a hobby for her, more than a passion. For her, running is life.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas Eve-Eve

I woke up bright and early today to get my run in with my dad before my relatives came over for Christmas Eve-Eve. Darkness was just fading from the sky as the sun rose behind the rain clouds casting an eerie light upon the land. Rain from a storm that had devastated Colorado in the form of snow splattered around us, soaking us through.

The run today was an out-and-back with a nice hill right at the two-mile mark. A really nice hill. Almost a quarter mile long (perhaps even) and placed in the perfect spot, this hill was perfect for a training run. My dad stopped at about 1 1/4-mark, more precisely at 13:07, and I continued on to the hill.

And, ah, did it look marvelous enveloped in the early-morning light coated in a blanket of rainwater. Rolling up in front of me, gradually getting less steep, then shooting back up towards the sky.

Though, sadly, I have yet to find a hill that doesn't end. So quite predictably, this one did. So sad.

Much peace, love, hills and running cheer,


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