Run Wild

This is the tale of a girl. She is unschooled and a runner. Though running has become more than a hobby for her, more than a passion. For her, running is life.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Winter wonderland

Today was the second snow of the season! But the first time running in it for me. Everything looked like a postcard, trees laced with a swath of shimmering white while quiet little flakes drifted lazilly down from the dusty gray sky.

I poked my head out the door, watching my breath puff off into the sky, and quickly drew back in. I was dressed fine for running, except for hand protection. Unfortunatly, I was away from my house and the orray of thousands of colorful running gloves turing slightly grayish with time and dirt. So instead of head out and end up with my knuckles ending up as dry, bleading masses, I headed into the bathroom, grabbed a paper towel and wrapped it around my fists, clutching the ends of the bandages in my palms.

I headed out and was quite surprised at how well they worked, considering they were paper-thin! Har-har-har!! Hoo-boy. That was bad.

The one thing my design lacked was thumb protection, and I only noticed this about ten minutes into the run. I scrunched my thumbs under my fingers, trying to keep the paper towel wraps in place. And we wonder why people give us strange looks.

Though after the run I was quite happy with my invention. Perhaps some day I can design and sell my own line of Wraps Running Gloves!

Till next time,


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