Run Wild

This is the tale of a girl. She is unschooled and a runner. Though running has become more than a hobby for her, more than a passion. For her, running is life.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Hill crazy!


Yes. I am one of the select few who actually looks forward to the weekly hill-work. Even though it was 80 with blasting sun, I still loved it.

I have a hill about a mile from my house that’s about 80 yards long. I went out for a 3-mile out-and-back jog then jogged a mile to the hill in 37:33.

And there I stood. At the bottom of the hill, staring up at its glory. I snatched up one of my nine counters (to make sure I did the right amount of repeats) and plunged in.

It’s a nice feeling to get out and do a workout like this. To feel your legs pounding, knees lifting and sprinting up on your toes as you take on the monster that is the workout hill.

After doing this 9 times, I walked home, still woozy from the adrenaline of the workout. And all I could think about right then was, “It’s done. I ran the dang thing 9 times!” But as my body cooled and my though processing abilities returned, I was already thinking of next week. Taking on the challenge again, pounding up that monster 10 times.

But that’s next time, and all I can do is wait for it.


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