Run Wild

This is the tale of a girl. She is unschooled and a runner. Though running has become more than a hobby for her, more than a passion. For her, running is life.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Back in business, and hilling awayyyy!

Ello, moto!!

I am back! Finally! I decided that it was a bit too much work to get caught up on old stuff, when the new runs are actually the important ones. Anyhoo, what better way to start of Run Wild 2.0 (RW2) then with a hill workout?

Today was quite nice for August, breezy and perhaps in the low 80’s. A perfect day to return to my old friend: The Hill.

On my warm-up, I had the sudden urge to run with my friend, so I jogged over to her house and she agreed to come with me on my journey to furthering my insanity-by-hill-work.

We sprinted up the hill (me 14 times, she 6) and tried our best to focus on proper hill technique: not keeling over and blabbering incoherently. Er, that too, but actually we worked on driving our knees, leaning in and pumping with our arms. But the first thing is always good to remember as well.

After that, I had done a 3-mile warm-up/cool-down. Which was nice, but not enough for an insanely addicted-to-distance runner like me. I had also only run three miles yesterday, and was itching for a little more.

So I leaped up at 7:30 at night and proclaimed that I needed to go run two miles. I then threw on the shoes nearest to me and quickly ran two miles in a time of 18:39, feeling refreshed and properly distanced for the day.

And remember all: Hills are our friends. They may do things that we hate, but in the end, they do love us.




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