Run Wild

This is the tale of a girl. She is unschooled and a runner. Though running has become more than a hobby for her, more than a passion. For her, running is life.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Hillies, hillies, hillies

Today was intended to be a hill-work day, then a hike with my dad. But with the powers of schedule changing, we combined them into one.

Before I did my workout, I jogged the two miles to Noon Hill. This was, for some reason, not as easy as it sounds.

I jogged down the street leading to the turn for Noon Hill. After about twenty minutes, I thought that I must have missed the turn (I had passed a street a little less than a quarter mile earlier that I thought might be the right street), so I turned around and jogged back.

But I found out that the street I was heading back to was not the right street at all, and I had originally been heading in the correct direction.

Confusing? Most likely.

Finally I turned back around and continued on, finally finding the correct street and meeting my dad at the base of the hill.

Me and my dad started off together, then I sprinted for about 100 yards up Noon Hill, turned around and met my dad where he had walked to, and sprinted up another hundred yards, returned, sprinted, returned...

I think you got the idea there. I did this 11 times, for I would have done 11 repeats of my hill had I not done this.

It was quite enjoyable, and this also marks the first hike for me this year! W00T!


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