Run Wild

This is the tale of a girl. She is unschooled and a runner. Though running has become more than a hobby for her, more than a passion. For her, running is life.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Slogging Kerlumpers

Yay! Another road race! In fact, another 5-mile road race: the Sharon Five.

And God said, “Let there be rain!” And there was rain. And rain. And rain.

In fact so much that large lakes started forming in the middle of the roads. One was so large that it stretched across the entire road itself! Some of the runners ran through it (myself included), but some cut through resident’s yards to avoid the “puddle”. But for me, my shoes were already 50 pounds heavier than normal, so I decided a little extra water wasn’t going to do much.

Being that I’m 14 and turning 15 soon, this was probably one of the last races I’d ever get in the top three in my age bracket for 50 years or so.

But today I was having fun jogging in the rain. But to my surprise, I got first in my age group! Awesome! Though I have to soak it all in now before my birthday!

Keep truckin’


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