Run Wild

This is the tale of a girl. She is unschooled and a runner. Though running has become more than a hobby for her, more than a passion. For her, running is life.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

"No man should outlive his fictional wizard" ~Homer Simpson

This is the quote that was running (ha) through my mind all during my 39:26 measured five-miler. At first, it was funny, then around mile two is was the most ingenious thing that I'd ever heard in my life! It was in fact so funny, that I started laughing out loud and giving the "thumbs up" to random passersby and cars. And a policeman. Yes. The runner is a strange creature, is it not?

It in fact amused me so much that I ran what was supposed to be a somewhere-around-45-minute-to-50-minute-run in 39:26, as stated above. Which is, scarily, one of my fastest five-mile times. Heh-heh.

It also helped that the course was quite straight (starting five miles away from my house, ending at my house), unlike the strange winding courses that I usually do just t fill the 50-minute allotment of time.

Well, ta ta for now!

"No man should outlive his fictional wizard" ~Homer Simpson


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