Run Wild

This is the tale of a girl. She is unschooled and a runner. Though running has become more than a hobby for her, more than a passion. For her, running is life.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Happy Kerlumpers

Speed work day! Woot!

...Er... not really. You might say that I have slow-twitch muscles. Slow-twitch so slow, that they might not even show up on the speed scale.

But, I came, I saw I conquered. ... sort of.

My first run was a fun run (4.1 miles) with my friend. It was quite warm, but not unbearably so.

I finished my run by jogging down to the football field for my speed work: Striders. 10 of them.

My goal was to do 10 100-yard striders (run to the 20-yard-line, sprint to the next twenty, decelerate to the other end-zone), and do them all in less than 20 seconds. I hit nine out of the ten (one was 20.02, so that could have been a simple click early and/or late of the watch) in under 20, and used the last one as a full-out sprint.

For me, my full-out 100-yard sprint comes out to be about 17.50. Not exactly Speedy Gonzales, eh?

But I’m out there, at least. Pluggin’ away at my speed-work. Or, to put it as my teammate would, kerlumping along.

So, yes. To you all, happy kerlumping!



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