Run Wild

This is the tale of a girl. She is unschooled and a runner. Though running has become more than a hobby for her, more than a passion. For her, running is life.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Recovery joggage

I wish I had more to say about today, but it was a recovery easy jog, and fun easy things usually don’t make for good stories. ;-)

After my first speed workout of the season yesterday, my quads were incredibly sore. In the first half-mile of my jog I felt as if I was dragging my legs behind me.

But after a bit, that cleared up for the most part. If I stretched my legs out farther than I was doing, they twinged and tightened and so-fourth.

But I survived! Speed-work and post-speed-work run. Mainly thanks to my friend, whom I ran about 4 and a half miles with today. It was 80º, sunny and with only a little breeze, but having a good running buddy makes a world of difference!

I came down the last stretch of my run, weaving in and out of construction, vehicles and mounds of dirt as I kicked into the finish line in a time of 56:28.


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