Run Wild

This is the tale of a girl. She is unschooled and a runner. Though running has become more than a hobby for her, more than a passion. For her, running is life.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Rhody 5K

Yay! Today is the day of my second Rhody 5K!

The conditions were PERFECT. 52º, cool and breezy, overcast and a slight mist. Plus, I got to run with my best friend and help her along in her first 5K race.

Last year, the race was so poorly run, that the men’s race started 15 minutes late, and the women’s 12 minutes late. Plus, it was about 80º and blasting sun. The only saving grace was the cookout at the end and we got to finish around the dog track! Yay!

This year the course was different (they were doing some renovations to the track and casino) and the course consisted of a lot of running around the parking lots. But it was fun anyhoo.

Me and my friend ran a 29:19 together, yet we had different per-mile paces. Interesting. I felt really happy for my friend, starting off running her first 5K race this good! For, when I started, my first 5K was in about 31 or 32 minutes. oO

Though today was interesting in more ways than that. As I wandered around after the race (eating watermelon and drinking Gatorade) three groups of people that I knew from other races and such stopped me and talked to me.

You know you’ve run quite a few road races when... ;-)


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