Run Wild

This is the tale of a girl. She is unschooled and a runner. Though running has become more than a hobby for her, more than a passion. For her, running is life.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Love hurts

The first half of my run took me through beautiful Regis College’s campus. I jogged around for 40:03, yet never got bored! (I usually do when jogging around the same area for a while)

Though I must have seen every inch of the campus available at that time. I jogged up steps to beautiful old buildings, around grassy areas and parking lots and through paths leading to the backs of the buildings.

There was also a nice short yet steep hill there that I was tempted to do my repeats on. But I had another hill in mind, and I was sticking to it.

Which leads me to the second half of my run: a hill about 150 yards long, increasing in steepness as it went. When I reached the bottom (eventually) I fell in love with the hill. It was a beautiful in the only way certain-death-by-running can be.

I charged up the hill, ready to take on the challenge. What I hadn’t realized was that the steepness really increased about halfway up and the thing was longer than it appeared to be at the bottom.

Nonetheless, I had come to do 5 repeats here, and by gosh, I was going to do them. No matter how disoriented I was at the end!

And by the end, disoriented I was. But happy. And sore. And tired. But most of all, proud. I had seen the challenge before me, and, as a moth to a flame, took it.

I may be crazy to love these looming monsters called hills, but as the song goes, “Love hurts”.

And that it does.


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