Run Wild

This is the tale of a girl. She is unschooled and a runner. Though running has become more than a hobby for her, more than a passion. For her, running is life.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Day of the Fool! Or: Why the heck would you do that, you complete moron?

Today shall hereby be known as and marked in the calendars as The Day of the Fool.

Why would one suddenly decide to do her tempo run and her hill workout on the same day?

Usually, that question is left untouched. Usually. Especially when one is dealing with a young runner recovering from injury. Then one might say that there should be absolutely no reason that question should ever be brought up. And to that I say ... um...

After hearing that this happened, a friend or coach might ask some of the following questions.

Friend: Well, at least the tempo wasn’t hard, right?

Runner: Um...

Friend: Er, at least the hills weren’t intense, right? Right?

Runner: Um...

Friend: This was tentatively in your schedule, though, right?

Runner: Um...

And so on and so forth. But, thankfully this tempo was a bit slower than last time’s. I crossed the finish line, gasping for air through the stormy humidity, in a time of 33:56 for four miles as opposed to my 32:39 for last week’s tempo.

All I can hope for is that this doesn’t vastly screw up my training schedule. (Heh-heh. Dream on, bucko.)

And as far as that, I will be away until Monday the 19th helping out with the Mass Senior Games ( and I’ll be running there, hoping that the weekend isn’t as warm and muggy as it has been in past years.



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